
Wednesday 31 August 2016



A Dragon is an Enormous, VICIOUS and scary reptile that people think is real but they are actually Imaginary.

They are VERY MASSIVE. They have long and pointy spikes on their back. They breathe FIRE out of their POWERFUL mouths. All Dragons come in all different shapes, color and size. Some Dragons are Female and some are Male..

If people believe in DRAGONS Doctors might diagnose (JUDGE) them as being CRAZY .   I don’t really believe in dragons because I have never seen one before. There are some good and bad reasons for believing and not believing in Dragons. Some people believe in dragons because they play with toy dragons. People don’t believe in Dragons because they have never seen one before.

I think dragons are very Imaginary because some people haven’t actually seen a real Dragon before. I think that Dragons should never exist because they might end up hurting someone or something.

Term 3 2016

Tuesday 30 August 2016


Who believes in aliens?
I don’t  because they're not real and also because I have never seen one before.
Aliens have different types of body shapes. They  have eyes but no face. The have a big head but a small body. The have long arms but short legs.
Aliens have a special vehicle that helps them move around in space. It’s called a UFO. A UFO is faster than the speed of light. If aliens did not have a special vehicle they would find themselves floating in the air.
Aliens scare humans. Aliens actually can be the person right next to you. There's actually people who have seen aliens before.  There has to be a good reason to believe in aliens. Scientist have to prove  that aliens are real and that's when I will believe in aliens.
I will probably die of fright if  I ever seen an alien.
I believe that aliens are real but the image in my head tells me that they're not real  so I don’t believe in aliens yet.

Term 3 2016

Rio, Brazil (Hosting Olympic Games)